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WISE Data Elements

To meet state and federal reporting requirements, as applicable, public school districts and private schools participating in the Choice program must submit student information to DPI. Here is a list of data elements with links to descriptions of each. Also included are lists or tables of expected values where needed.

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Agency Code

Public Schools

Agency code is a unique, four or eight-digit code that is assigned to each independent charter school and to each public school district, and all public (including district-authorized charter schools) and private schools geographically located within its boundaries. It consists of a four-digit LEA or district code connected by a hyphen to a four-digit school code.

Area Code of Assignment

Public Schools

Four-digit code denoting the staff member's general realm of assignment and related work subject/tasks

Bilingual Program

Public Schools

Bilingual Program refers to whether or not the staff member teaches in a state or locally-funded bilingual education program

Birth Date

Choice Schools, Public Schools

Birth date is the date the student was born, including day, month, and year. Month, day, and year of birth shall be submitted using the mm/dd/yyyy format. WISEid is considered the official source of birth date. This data element is required for Choice and public schools.

Birth Location

Choice Schools, Public Schools

Birth city, county, country, location and state are optional data elements, primarily used to assist with identification and student matching.

Contract Days

Public Schools

Number of days a staff member is contracted by an agency to work

Contract Fringe Benefits

Public Schools

Total of all items under Object Code 200 Employee Benefits in the WUFAR Handbook. They are 210 Retirement, 220 Social Security, 230 Life Insurance, 240 Health Insurance, 250 Other Employee Insurance, and 290 Other Employment Benefits, including cash payments in lieu of benefits

Contract Salary

Public Schools

Amount of money specifically cited in the regular contract between the staff member and the hiring LEA

Entity ID

Public Schools

Th Entity ID is a DPI-assigned Educator File Identification Number.

Final Salary Code

Public Schools

Code that coordinates to the staff member's final salary as reported by the agency


Public Schools

Number that reflects the amount of work a staff member will complete at a particular agency in a school year


Choice Schools, Public Schools

Sex Type in WISEdata, known as Gender in WISEid and WISEdash, shall be submitted as Male, Female, or Nonbinary. This data element is required for Choice and public schools.

Grade Level Placement

Choice Schools, Private Schools, Public Schools

Grade level is the level of the educational program studied by a student or instructed by teaching staff. When grade level changes during a period of enrollment, report the grade level at the time of exit. This data element is required for Choice and public schools.

Highest Degree

Public Schools

Code that corresponds to the highest level of education the staff member has attained

LEA Assignment Code

Public Schools

Optional, unique field used by an agency for verification purposes to make sure the correct local staff record is linked to the appropriate record submitted and used by DPI

LEA Assignment Title

Public Schools

Required field an agency uses to include the staff member's local assignment title as it's known at that particular location


Public Schools

An optional field used for anything districts would like to add about the staff member

Local Contract ID

Public Schools

Unique field used by an agency for verification purposes to make sure DPI uses the correct local staff contract record

Local Person ID/Type

Choice Schools, Public Schools

Local Person ID is a unique field used by an agency to cross-reference and join a local system’s person ID to the state system’s WISEid. Local Person ID Type defines whether the ID is for a staff or student. This data element is required for Choice and public schools.

Local Years of Experience

Public Schools

Years employed by an educational agency down to the half-year mark

Long-Term Substitute

Public Schools

Long-Term Substitute refers to whether or not the assignment is performed by a long-term substitute (assignment over 45 days)

Position Code

Public Schools

Code corresponding to the position of the staff member for his or her job assignment

Race and Ethnicity Data

Choice Schools, Public Schools

A student is only counted in a single racial/ethnic group. Students identified by two or more races (not Hispanic) are reported in the ‘Two or More Races’ category. A two-part question is used to determine to which group the student belongs or with which race/ethnicity he or she most identifies. It is required to answer both parts of the question. This data element is required for Choice and public schools.

School Board-Approved Alternative Educational Program

Public Schools

School Board-Approved Alternative Educational Program refers to whether or not the assignment is part of an approved alternative education program.

School Year

Public Schools

Current school year

Student/Staff Name (Legal and Other Names)

Choice Schools, Public Schools

first, last, **middle, **suffix (e.g., Jr. or III) The student's or staff member's legal name shall be submitted. This data element is required for Choice and public schools.

Subcontracted through a Contracted Agency

Public Schools

Subcontracted through a Contracted Agency refers to whether or not the staff member is hired as a subcontractor for the assignment. Teaching RCC Public School students refers to whether or not the staff member is teaching students attending a Residential Care Center (RCC).

Total Years of Experience

Public Schools

Number of years working at any educational agency down to the nearest half-year mark and including the current school year.


Choice Schools, Public Schools

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction shall assign each student a WISEid, a unique, permanent, and unduplicated identifier. This data element is required for Choice and public schools.

Working School

Public Schools

DPI-assigned school number where the staff member's assignment is performed

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