You may need to include forms to support your licensing application within DPI’s online licensing system (ELO). Please download and complete the required forms prior to starting your application process in ELO.
Once you have filled out the forms and have gathered the required signatures, please scan to a file that is 2MB or smaller. You will be prompted to upload the forms within ELO.
Employment Verification Form
- Mandatory for all applications for an Administrator license or 1-year Board Requested Administrator license.
- Optional but requested from non-WI program completers who are applying for Teacher, Administrator or Pupil Services licenses.
- This form must be completed by the employer.
- In case of multiple employers, the applicant may submit multiple forms.
PI-1613 Employment Verification Form
Guest Teacher License
- Mandatory for applicants who are applying for a Guest Teacher License.
PI-1624-Guest District Request for Guest Teacher License
One-year Administrator License
- Mandatory for applicants who are applying for School Board requested a one-year administrator license.
- This form must be completed by a school board member.
PI-1622-Admin: District Request for One-year Administrator license
One-year License with Stipulations
- Mandatory for applicants who are applying for a One-year License with Stipulations.
- This form must be completed by employing school district.
PI-1624-LWS1 District Request for One-year License with Stipulations
PI-1624 Progress Form Only certification officers may complete this form.
Out of State Program License Forms
- Mandatory for non-WI program completers who are applying for Teacher, Administrator, and Pupil Services licenses.
- This form must be completed by an official at college or university where the educator preparation program was completed.
- In case of multiple educator preparation programs, the applicant must complete and submit multiple forms.
Institutional Endorsement and Assurances forms:
PI-1612-T for Teachers
PI-1612-AD for Administrators
PI-1612-P for Pupil Services Professionals
PI-1612-OM for Orientation and Mobility Specialists
PI-1612-INT for Educational Interpreters
PI-1612-AUD for School Audiologists
Special Education Aide License
- Mandatory for applicants who are applying for special education aide license. This form must be completed by employing school district.
PI-1622-Aide: District Request for Special Educator Aide License
Substitute Teacher Verification Forms
- Optional method for applicants who are applying for short-term substitute license to verify satisfaction of requirements.
PI-1633: Substitute Teacher Training Verification Form - This form must be completed by employing school district.
PI-1975: Substitute Teacher Education Preparation Program Verification - This form must be completed by the applicant's educator preparation program.
Technical Education and Vocational Experience-Based Licensure Forms
- Mandatory for applicants who are applying for an experience-based license in Technical/Vocational Education.
- This form must be completed by employing school district.
PI-1623 Experience-Based Technical/Vocational Education License
- Mandatory for applicants who are applying for a Professional Experience-Based Technical and Vocational Subject license.
- This form must be completed by employing school district.
PI-1618 Verification of Successful Completion of Curriculum for Experience-Based Licensure for Technical Education and Vocational Subjects
Three-year License with Stipulations
- Mandatory for applicants who are applying for a Three-year License with Stipulations.
- This form must be completed by employing school district.
PI-1624-LWS3 District Request for Three-year License with Stipulations