Local Wellness Policies (LWP) are an important tool for promoting healthier school environments that promote positive behaviors and help students reach their full academic potential. School Food Authorities (SFAs) that participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or other specific federal child nutrition program are required to establish a local school wellness policy.
As of June 30, 2017, SFAs must fully comply with the requirements of the final rule.
Local Wellness Policy In a Nutshell provides an overview of policy requirements.
Local Wellness Policy Checklist is a resource that will help schools determine if all required content areas are included in their LWP.
At least once every three years, SFAs must assess compliance with the local school wellness policy and make the assessment results available to the public.
The assessment measures the implementation of the local school wellness policy and includes:
The extent to which schools in the SFA are in compliance with the local school wellness policy;
The extent to which the local wellness policy compares to model local wellness policies; and
A description of the progress made in attaining the goals of the local school wellness policy.
To meet this requirement, SFAs must use the Local Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment Report Card.
The completed Triennial Assessment Report Card must be maintained on file per record retention requirements, but does not need to be submitted to the DPI School Nutrition Team.
Kelly Williams, RDN, CD