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Afterschool Snack Program (ASP)

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Afterschool Snack

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) offers reimbursement to eligible schools so that students can receive snacks after the end of he school day. Afterschool snacks give students a nutritional boost and include them in supervised activities that are safe, fun and filled with learning opportunities. 

In the Afterschool Snack Program (ASP), students participating in afterschool enrichment activities are claimed by eligibility category (free, reduced, or paid) when a reimbursable snack is selected. 


Area Eligible Afterschool Snack

An Afterschool Snack Program can participate as "area eligible" if it is located at a school or in the attendance area of a school where at least 50 percent of the enrolled students are eligible for free or reduced price meals.

In an Area Eligible Afterschool Snack Program, all students participating in afterschool enrichment activities are claimed in the free eligibility category when a reimbursable snack is selected. 
Once a site qualifies for area eligible snack, it qualifies for five years. 

Program Requirements

Meal Pattern

The meal pattern for ASP is different in comparison to breakfast and lunch. To determine which meal pattern (K-12 or CACFP Infant and Pre-K) must be followed for participating grades/ages, use the ASP Meal Pattern decision flowchart below.

Production Records
Point of Service

Area Eligible Afterschool Snack Program: 

Area Eligible Afterschool Snack Program sites are not required to track reimbursable snack counts by student. Snack counts can be tracked using the check off sheet linked below. 

Non-Area Eligible Afterschool Snack Program: 

Non-Area Eligible Afterschool Snack Program sites are required to track which student took a reimbursable snack in order to document the total free, reduced, and paid snacks served for the monthly claim as well as for billing purposes. A manual roster check off sheet or software program can be used to track reimbursable snacks by student. Roster check off sheets should never have the student eligibility status listed.  

See the Counting and Claiming webpage for reimbursement rates.

To qualify for the Area Eligible Afterschool Snack Program, a school must have 50% or more free and reduced eligible students as documented on the prior school year's October NSLP claim. A school may also qualify by residing in the attendance area boundary as another school that qualifies for the Area Eligible Afterschool Snack Program. Each reimbursable snack is served free of charge and claimed at the free rate.

Sites that do not qualify for Area Eligibility are refered to as participating in the Non-Area Eligible Afterschool Snack Program. This means a school that has less than 50% free and reduced eligible students must charge reduced-eligible and paid students for their reimbursable snack. A reduced-eligible may not be charged more than $0.15 for a reimbursable snack. Each reimbursable snack is claimed by the student eligibility status of free, reduced, or paid. 

There is a separate claim template for Area Eligible ASP and Non-area Eligible ASP. 

On-site Monitoring
ASP requires separate on-site monitoring forms to be completed outside of breakfast and lunch. These forms must be completed twice per year. The first on-site monitoring observation must take place within the first four weeks of the program’s start date.

Afterschool Snack Program Training 

Additional Resources



Jessica Lessner, RDN

Nutrition Program Consultant
(608) 267-2293

Christine Novak, RDN, CD
Public Health Nutritionist
(608) 261-6325