In The School Garden
- The Lifecycle of Farm to School Workshop Series: Learn about the eight stages of a school garden. Each stage includes resources and/or videos to get started.
- Food Safety Tips for School Gardens
- Got Dirt? Garden Toolkit - a resource designed to assist with the implementation of school, community, and child care gardens.
- Home Grown: School Gardens in Wisconsin - school garden examples.
- School Gardens: Using Gardens to Grow Healthy Habits in Cafeterias, Classrooms, and Communities - provides examples of school gardens that have taken root, and resources to continue growth.
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): Accepting School Garden Produce - use this template SOP to ensure school garden produce is harvested safely, received in sound condition, and is stored properly after receipt.
- Farm to School and School Garden Expenses, SP 06-2015, USDA, 11/12/14 – memo about using the nonprofit school food service account to cover expenditures related to farm to school activities and school gardens.
School Garden Success Story
F2S Template Job Descriptions
Interested in creating a position at your school or district to manage your F2S activities? Use these samples to get started!