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National School Breakfast Week


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National School Breakfast Week (NSBW) - March 3-7, 2025

Eating breakfast is important to helping students achieve academic success, whether they are learning in-person or virtually. School breakfast programs play a vital role in ensuring that all students have access to a nutritious breakfast to start the day.

Some ideas for celebrating NSBW:

  • Decorate the serving area
  • Post the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s National School Breakfast Week Proclamation in your school.
  • Have students vote on the entrees that will be served for the week.
  • Try a new breakfast entrée.
  • Use resources on our website to promote breakfast to parents this week 
    • Send out the School Breakfast Program Brochure to give parents an overview of the benefits of School Breakfast.
    • Share the breakfast video on our website with parents at a school event or PTO/PTA meeting prior to or during NSBW.
  • Have a competition to increase breakfast participation. Recognize the class/grade/school with the greatest increase at the end of the week.
    • Students who participate in the school breakfast program are entered into a drawing and can enter each day of the week. Five winners are selected on Friday (the last day of NSBW). A list of breakfast items is provided to the winners, and they each choose a favorite to be served on a day of their choice during the month of April. The April menu highlights the chosen items along with the students’ names. The event is promoted on the daily announcements and district website, and the winning students are recognized on the announcements. 

Be sure to share your celebration! Post on social media using the hashtags #WISchoolMealsRock, and #NSBW2and tag us!


You can also contact to tell us how you celebrated.