This Farm to School logo is intended for Wisconsin schools to promote their F2S activities. If you would like to utilize the logo, please contact
Getting Started with Farm to School
Farm to School (F2S) is a movement that promotes the use of locally- and regionally-grown foods in schools. F2S activities and initiatives can include nutrition education in classrooms, farmer visits, signage promoting local foods, serving local foods in the cafeteria, school gardens, and so much more! Every school can participate in their own capacity; there are no requirements for involvement. Kids win, farmers win, schools win, and communities win. Read more about The Benefits of Farm to School and learn more about F2S efforts in Wisconsin and nationwide: SY 2022-23 USDA F2S Census.
Stay up to date on the latest DPI F2S news!
How to Get Started With Farm to School In A Nutshell - use this resource to identify 1-2 goals for your school or district to kickstart F2S programming
F2S Webcast - an overview of F2S and best practices from champion school districts.
AmeriCorps Farm to School Grant- to help with the staff capacity to get started or increase F2S activities.
Wisconsin schools may request free, F2S promotional items! Items include menu signage, Producer Highlight posters, window clings, magnets, and stickers.
Cultivating Connections: A Wellness and F2S Summit
What: Save the date for this two-day summit focusing on school wellness and F2S! The summit will provide innovative strategies that promote student health and knowledge of local food systems through educator engagement, policy implementation, and partnership opportunities.
Who: Anyone interested in school wellness and F2S are welcome including school wellness leaders, school nutrition staff, farmers, educators, and F2S advocates. Registration for conference attendees to open in March 2025.
When: August 5 and 6, 2025
Where: Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin
Local Foods Vendor Show: A local foods vendor show will take place August 5 from 1-4 PM. Registration for vendors is open!
Wisconsin F2S Recognition Program

Participate in the Wisconsin F2S Recognition Program to gain recognition and celebrate your F2S accomplishments! Complete activities in the three core elements of F2S (local procurement, nutrition and agriculture education, and school gardens) to determine your broccoli-pun recognition level! There are four levels of recognition (with an additional bonus level), Broccoli Seedling, Broccoli Sprout, Broccoli Floret, and Broccoli Crown (Bonus: Broccoli Flowering School)! Recognition is awarded by school (versus district) and prize incentives will be given for each level.
- Program Instructions
- Recognition Program Recording - webinar describing recognition program details.

Wisconsin F2S and Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE) Statewide Information Sessions
Join F2S and F2ECE stakeholders to learn more about F2S/F2ECE projects happening around the State. Updates will be provided on open grants, training opportunities, new resources, upcoming events, and current projects. Meetings will be held monthly on the fourth Thursday from 1:30-2:30 PM.
To register, send an email to (no message necessary). You will only need to register once to receive the monthly, recurring invite.
Available Grants
Grants are a great way to cultivate sustainability and keep your F2S work moving forward. Visit the SNT Grant Opportunities webpage for F2S grants.
Wisconsin Local Food for Schools (WI LFS) Program provides funds to support the purchase of unprocessed and minimally processed local foods. Learn more about the program on our Procurement webpage.
Get Involved
WI Chili Lunch (fourth Thursday in February)
National Ag Day (March)
WI School Garden Day (May)
F2S Month (October)
Great Apple Crunch (second Thursday in October)
UW-Extension Harvest of Month (monthly)
Cucumber Crunch (Any time in the summer)
Additional Resources
Click on a tile below to find more information based on your role in F2S.
Marketplace Meetings
Looking for connections with farmers and producers in your area? Wishing you knew what foods are available locally today? Marketplace Meetings are your own personal networking hour where school food buyers and menu planners connect with farmers and producers to build relationships and get local foods onto your school menu. Information regarding meetings for the 2024-25 school year is forthcoming.
Meet the Farm to School Team!
The DPI School Nutrition Team (SNT) has full-time F2S staff! Jeff Mallegni, former school district chef, David Lee Schneider, farmer and school garden expert, and Brittany Zerbe, former SNT Public Health Nutritionist, are working to grow F2S efforts in Wisconsin schools. Please contact us at with any F2S questions.
Share your story with us by clicking the "share" button below!