
Ongoing Professional Development is key to staying knowledgeable and up-to-date in school nutrition. Explore the various training options below to find valuable resources and learning opportunities.
Please note, the DPI SNT is not an accredited provider for the Commission on Dietetic Registration. However, all DPI SNT trainings can be used towards Professional Standards hours, GOALS requirements, and SNA-WI Continuing Education Units. For SNA-WI CEUs, the training must be at least 60 minutes.
NEW Resource: Getting Started with USDA's Child Nutrition Program is a self-guided tutorial for school nutrition personnel who are new to their position within a school that has established participation in USDA School Meals.
Training Request
Have a training request for a large group? Fill out a Training Request Form and a member from the Training Team will contact you shortly.
For general Training Team questions, contact:
Carla Schmitz-Frank, MS, RDN, CD
Public Health Nutritionist
(608) 266-5197
Christina Rothe, RDN, CD
Public Health Nutritionist
Jennifer Eldridge, RDN, CD, LD, NDTR