An Alternate School Food Authority Agreement is an agreement between two SFAs, or a SFA and a school, in which one agrees to operate the school meal programs for a SFA/school not under its jurisdiction.
By way of this agreement, the other SFA/school relinquishes its authority to operate the school meals programs and transfers legal and financial authority. The parties will cooperate fully, to work in good faith, and to mutually assist each other in the performance of the agreement.
Terms of Agreement
Contact your Nutrition Program Consultant (NPC) to determine if the Alternate SFA Agreement is a good fit. Consider and negotiate the Terms of Agreement between SFAs before DPI SNT's final approval is given.
- Alternate SFA Agreement Memo DPI SNT, 05/24/2016
- Alternate SFA Agreement Template
Once approved by DPI SNT, send the signed Alternate SFA Agreement and Attachment A: Terms of Agreement via email to: dpifns@dpi.wi.gov .