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Summer EBT

Summer EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer)

Milk, eggplant, carrots in a tote bag

Summer EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) is a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) benefit program and in Wisconsin is a partnership between the Wisconsin Departments of Health Services (DHS) and Public Instruction (DPI).

Summer EBT is an income-based program that helps eligible families buy food for their children during the summer when nutritious school meals are not always available. In summer 2024, families received $120 in benefits for each child who qualified. Families can use these benefits anywhere that FoodShare benefits are accepted, like most grocery stores, many convenience stores, and some farmer’s markets.  

Most eligible families will get these benefits automatically through streamline certification, but some households with students who attend schools that participate in the National School Lunch (NSLP) or School Breakfast (SBP) Programs will need to apply. This program is available in addition to free meals that kids of all ages can access at summer meal sites in their communities.   

Children are eligible for the program if:

  Streamline Certified   
(Participates in FoodShare, W-2 Cash Benefits, FDPIR, or certain income-based Medicaid programs) 
Not Streamline Certified  
(Does not participate in FoodShare, W-2 Cash Benefits, FDPIR, or certain income-based Medicaid programs) 


Six-years-old by August 31, 2025 or older  

Most children in this group will receive Summer EBT benefits automatically and do not need to apply.    

Children in this group do not need to attend an NSLP-participating school.  

Children in this group must attend an NSLP-participating school and have access to meals while in attendance.    

Children in this group will need to apply for Summer EBT benefits.  


Younger than six years old by August 31, 2025  

Children in this group must be enrolled in an NSLP-participating school and have access to meals while in attendance.   

Most children in this group will receive Summer EBT benefits automatically and do not need to apply.  

Children in this group must attend an NSLP-participating school and have access to meals while in attendance.   

Children in this group will need to apply for Summer EBT benefits.  

For More Information


For questions about Summer EBT, please email: