- RCCIs participating in the USDA CNP are required to establish a Local Wellness Policy to promote a healthy environment and help students reach their full academic potential.
- Even though an RCCI may have different circumstances and wellness goals than a traditional school, the wellness policy should meet all USDA requirements to the extent safe and practicable to help ensure the health and development of participants.
- Local Wellness Policy In a Nutshell provides an overview of policy requirements.
- Policy Requirements
The Local Wellness Policy Checklist is a resource that will help RCCIs determine if all required content areas are included in their LWP. This checklist includes examples to meet the LWP requirements. Below are additional examples that could be used in the more challenging areas of an RCCI LWP:
- Nutrition Education: All residents will receive instruction on meal planning, food safety, and food preparation techniques as part of their life skills education.
- Physical Activity: The RCCI will provide opportunities for participants to participate in physical activity to the extent safe and practicable.
- Other School Based Strategies: The RCCI will offer one staff wellness event each year.
- Inform the Public: The RCCI will notify parents, facility staff, residents, and other stakeholders regarding the content of the wellness policy, updates to the policy, and results of the policy assessment by posting information in a public place such as the RCCI webpage, visiting room, or intake packet.
- Public Involvement
The intent of the public notification requirement of the LWP is to inform the public about the process and how they can be involved in development, implementation, reviews, and assessments. An RCCI is not exempt from the public notification requirement; however, the RCCI has the discretion to determine to whom this public notification should be directed.
- Triennial Assessment
As of June 30, 2020, RCCIs must complete their first triennial assessment. The assessment must be completed, at minimum, once every three years.
Please visit the DPI Local Wellness Policy Webpage for the triennial assessment and policy builder tools.