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Food Service Management Company


A Food Service Management Company (FSMC) is a commercial enterprise or non-profit organization that provides meals and manages any or all aspects of school food service operations.


Steps to Procure a FSMC

Step 1: Watch Webcast
Step 2: Review FSMC Manual
Step 3: Download Appropriate RFP and Attachments

Fixed Price Templates

  • FSMC sells a meal for a Fixed Price including their profit and overhead
  • Advantage - all costs are known and require no monitoring of national volume discounts and rebates
  • Disadvantage - does not allow for a tiered pricing program

Cost Reimbursable Templates 

  • FSMC passes along all costs (food, labor, etc.) to SFA and adds a fixed fee for profit and overhead
  • Advantage- can accommodate a tiered pricing system
  • Disadvantage – the SFA is responsible for monitoring all national volume discounts and ensuring rebates are passed along

Amendment(s) to Add (as applicable)

  • Use for either cost reimbursable or fixed price contract
  • Similar to any amendment or addendum, these templates must be reviewed and approved by assigned DPI consultant prior to signing
Step 4: Save RFP and Attachments
  • Save the RFP Word document and Excel workbook and any other attachments to your computer with the file name:
    • Agency Code (5 or 6 digits)
    • School District Name
    • Document Type (RFP, SFSP/Amendment/Renewal, etc.)
    • SY __ - __

Example: 123456_Hillside_School_District_RFP_SY19-20.doc

Step 5: Complete RFP and Attachments

The SFA will then complete the RFP document and Excel workbook as needed and save changes. Editing locked section(s) of the RFP requires WI DPI approval and assistance. Email requested changed to DPI at:

Complete the calendar of events within the RFP solicitation document. The following timeline must be followed at a minimum:
  • Allow at least 10 business days from the date the RFP is released until the Pre-Proposal Conference/Site Visit
  • Allow 1 business day for the Pre-Proposal Conference/Site Visit
  • Allow at least 10 business days from the date of the Pre-Proposal Conference until proposals are due
Step 6: DPI Approval of FSMC RFP and Attachments Prior to Release
  • DPI must approve RFP before SFA releases it to solicit proposals from FSMCs
  • Send edited RFP and workbook as attachments to the School Nutrition Team via email to:
    • Edits will be reviewed and school will be contacted by DPI with possible edits. The review process can take up to two weeks
    • SFA will need to factor DPI review into the calendar of events for soliciting proposals using the FSMC RFP and awarding the FSMC contract
  • Email from DPI will serve as SFA's documentation that the RFP has been reviewed and the SFA can release it to solicit proposals from FSMCs
Step 7: Solicit and Evaluate Proposals
  • Use RFP approved by DPI to solicit proposals from FSMC
  • Send/email RFP to all FSMC on the "List of Known FSMCs Operating in Wisconsin"
  • Place public notice in newspaper advertisement. If applicable, post to SFAs public notice webpage for school procurements
  • Follow all the steps as outlined in the approved RFP for soliciting proposals
  • After the proposal due date, the SFA selection committee will evaluate all submitted proposals and select an FSMC based on evaluation criteria listed in the FSMC RFP.
  • New! Required FSMC Scoring Matrix: Once the SFA has completed drafting the evaluation criteria section of the RFP the SFA will need to update the FSMC Scoring Matrix workbook criteria to be used later to complete the final evaluation. The DPI template is required. 

Note: The FSMC RFP template, all Excel workbook attachments, any amendments to add, and the FSMC’s proposal will become the “FSMC Contract” with the winning FSMC once fully executed

Step 8: DPI Approval of FSMC Contract
  • Prior to School Board approval and execution of the FSMC contract, SFA must submit the following to DPI for final approval of the awarded FSMC contract:
    • Copy of newspaper advertisement
    • List of potential offerors along with any additional documents sent to them during solicitation process
    • Sign-in sheet of pre-proposal meeting attendees
    • List of all questions and answers from pre-proposal meeting
    • List of all questions and answers received as a result of issuing the RFP
    • Correspondence from potential offerors opting not to submit proposals
    • Evaluation criteria (scoring grid) analysis and documentation
    • Any addendums or amendments a FSMC is requesting to be added to the RFP or awarded contract
    • RFP Excel workbook Attachment “E” for all offerors
Step 9: Award FSMC Contract

After DPI approves the awarded FSMC contract, the SFA and FSMC will sign it (Attachment F). Once signed by both the SFA and FSMC, the SFA will submit the entire contract to DPI.  This consists of the Word narrative document and all Attachments as well as the Excel workbook Attachments. All pages need to be assembled and scanned as ONE document and sent as one file. Please realize that some of these attachments will now be found in the FSMC proposal (typically, Attachments A2, A4, B, D, E, F, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are in the FSMC proposal).

Word Attachments: F, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W, along with the Excel Attachments: A1, A2, A3, A4, B, C1, C2, C3, D, E, G, H, I, J, K, L & M need to be inserted into the Word document per their respective place holders.

Both parties must adhere to the terms and pricing of the awarded contract, only language described in the awarded contract is allowed. Any changes to the awarded contract must be reviewed and approved by DPI prior to execution to determine if there is a material change. Material changes are not allowed.

Step 10: Record Retention
The SFA will retain the following for record retention:
  • Copy of fully executed FSMC contract (all pages) with signatures
  • A copy of any amendments, addendums, and attachments to the FSMC contract
  • All invoices related to the awarded contract

These records become part of the SFA’s internal procurement records. A SFA must retain procurement and contract records for at least three years from the date the contract ended and after all other pending matters such as payments and audits are closed out.

The SFA should be prepared to provide records and proof that all terms and pricing received as a result of the procurement and used to award a contract were followed in the approved manner. These records must remain in the possession of the SFA.

Renewal Templates

Contract Type

Templates must be submitted to DPI by June 1 to allow time to review and approve before the June 30 contract expiration. If school board approval is required, present the renewal at the May board meeting, or earlier, to accommodate the June 1 due date.