Workshop Details
The final workshop in the Lifecycle of Farm to School training series, Serving Local Foods, was held virtually on Thursday, May 4, 2023. During this workshop, participants learned how to successfully market and promote local foods in their schools to both students and the community.
- Serving Local Foods Presentation: The full PowerPoint presentation from the live workshop.
- Serving Local Foods Video: This video features the partnership between Greenfield Farm and the Oregon School District to utilize a local beef product in school lunches!
- Team Nutrition Resources for Serving Local Foods: Learn about available resources from DPI’s Team Nutrition to promote local foods in your school meal programs.
- Wisconsin Harvest of the Month Presentation and Resources: Wisconsin Harvest of the Month is a statewide campaign that encourages kids and families to eat more fruits and vegetables. Each month schools showcase one seasonal, Wisconsin-grown fruit or vegetable. Students taste, explore and learn about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables.
- Wisconsin AmeriCorps Farm to School Program Presentation: Learn how the AmeriCorps Farm to School Program can help your school expand farm to school programming!
- Wisconsin Local Foods Database: Use this database to find local producers willing to sell to schools, including the products they have available and during what times of the year. Also, add your school to the list of schools interested in buying from local farmers!