The following resources may assist IEP teams with selected and administered assessments so as not to be discriminatory on a racial or cultural basis as well as address potential bias when conducting a comprehensive special education evaluation.
Cultural Competence Check-In: Culturally Responsive Practice
A resource developed by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association to assist in improving awareness of how service delivery providers view their awareness of culture and language related to service delivery.
Cultural Competence Check-In: Self Reflection
A resource developed by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association to assist in improving awareness of individual awareness of the influence of culture and language.
Cultural Competence Check-In: Policies and Procedures
A resource developed by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association to assist in improving awareness of policies and procedures and influence of cultural and linguistic factors.
Self Reflection: Gender Inclusivity
A resource developed by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association to assist in improving awareness of gender inclusivity.
Check Yourself
A quick self-check on common biases related to students with disabilities from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association to assist with cultural competency in providing services.
That’s Underheard Of Web Site
A web based resource from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association to assist with cultural competency in providing services.