- IEP Training In-Person to Virtual Part 1: Introduction
- IEP Training In-Person to Virtual Part 2: General Considerations
- IEP Training In-Person to Virtual Part 3: Review Disability-Related Needs
- IEP Training In-Person to Virtual Part 4: Review IEP Goals
- IEP Training In-Person to Virtual Part 5: Review IEP Services
- IEP Training In-Person to Virtual Part 6: Monitoring Progress
- IEP Training In-Person to Virtual Part 7: Resources
As Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams continue to review, revise, and conduct annual IEPs, it is important that contingency plans are individualized to meet a student’s unique, disability-related needs should the placement need to change because of the pandemic. Any contingency plan must continue to provide the student with a free and appropriate public education (FAPE). WI DPI emphasizes important considerations as IEP teams review contingency plans. As IEP teams review IEPs that include contingency plans, please consider the following: When this information is included in the IEP as part of the contingency plan, the school district must notify the parent(s) of the change in where and how the student will learn. This notification can occur via email or through other written correspondence. These tips came from questions WI DPI received from the field, IEPs DPI has reviewed, and information from LRP Special Education Connection “Checklist of what to include in a contingency plan.” Please reach out to DPI special education team with any specific questions or if WI DPI can help as you draft and revise your contingency plans.
Guidance from Centers for Disease Control and Protection offering considerations for ways in which schools can help protect students, teachers, administrators, and staff and slow the spread of COVID-19.
WI DPI web page with resources and tools to assist with creating IEP goals that can be reasonably monitored, identifying procedures for measuring progress appropriate to the target skills identified in IEP goals, and understanding the role of IEP goal progress data in Step 5 (Analyze Progress) of the CCR IEP process.
WI DPI resource that provides basic progress monitoring procedures that can be adapted for use in a virtual learning environment.
This web page provides guiding questions on determining if the progress monitoring tool is appropriate for virtual use. It also includes information on specific vendors and tools that have resources on how to use their product in a virtual learning environment.
This resource accompanies the National Center on Intensive Intervention: Frequently Asked Questions on Collecting Progress Monitoring Data Virtually (see above) and provides helpful tips for educators to prepare for the administration of progress monitoring assessments virtually.
From the Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR Center) and the National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI), this document outlines how HLPs can be employed to strengthen distance learning instruction for a diverse range of students by providing strategies to address common challenges students experience.
COVID-19 is highlighting and widening educational inequities previously existing in our school system and disproportionately impacting some communities and groups of students. This WI DPI web page provides educators with questions they should consider as they plan to return to school.
Recommendations from the National Association of School Psychologists for delivering services virtually. Includes important assessment and evaluation information.
A supplemental guide from Pearson Assessments and the use of PPE during Assessment.
Recommendations on how to support students with various disability-related needs to support the safety of students and staff.
This DPI special education team web page provides additional state and national resources that provide strategies and practices to support virtual and distance learning for students who receive special education through an Individualized Education Program. The page is sorted by topical resources such as supporting monitoring progress of IEP goals, early learners, students with neurodiverse and social and emotional needs, students participating in alternate standards, communication needs, transition aged students and others.
Tips, guidance, online modules, and resources to identify effects of disability, disability-related needs, develop IEP goals, align IEP services, and analyze progress of IEP goals.
Additional resources, tips, and requirements related to the provision of teleservice.
A resource from the National Center on Intensive Intervention which focuses on implementing screening and progress monitoring virtually. This page includes guiding questions for implementation, video examples, and a sample sign-up sheet for screening and progress monitoring students virtually.
This 42 minute presentation was delivered by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey as part of the Colorado Multi-Tiered System of Support Virtual Summit 2020. In the presentation, Dr. Bailey focused on considerations for providing virtual intervention and progress monitoring and highlights resources developed by the National Center on Intensive Intervention.