
- Introduction to Monitoring Progress of IEP Goals Part 1: Overview, Requirements, and Definitions
- Introduction to Monitoring Progress of IEP Goals Part 2: Key Considerations when Planning to Monitor Progress
- Introduction to Monitoring Progress of IEP Goals Part 3: Example of Monitoring Progress of IEP Goals
- Introduction to Monitoring Progress of IEP Goals Part 4: Wrap Up and Additional Examples and Resources
Introduction to Monitoring IEP Goal Progress Handouts and Resources
- National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII)
- Progress Monitoring page includes links to Academic and Behavior Progress Monitoring Tools, Related Guidance and Training Modules
- Data Rich, Information Poor? Making Sense of Progress Monitoring Data to Guide Intervention Decisions
- Using Academic Progress Monitoring for Individualized Instructional Planning (DBI Professional Learning Series Module 2)
- IRIS Center links to a large number of valuable resources for improving education outcomes for all children, especially those with disabilities
- IRIS Center Resource Locator (Select “Assessment” for modules and other resources related to progress monitoring)
- Iowa Department of Education, Progress Monitoring Procedures includes a concise review of terminology and steps for monitoring IEP goal progress as well as examples and sample formats
- Wisconsin's Framework for Equitable Multi-Level Systems of Supports (MLSS) includes links to a variety of resources
- Wisconsin's Strategic Assessment Systems (SAS) Scroll down for links to resources including a number of online professional learning modules
- WI DPI Student Services Team Culturally Responsive Practices includes online modules to support understanding of culturally responsive problem solving
- DPI Sample IEP Forms
- DPI Forms Page with links to sample forms and related guidance
- DPI Sample Form I-4- Linking Present Levels, Needs, Goals, and Services Form (Section IV- Measurable Annual Goals)
- DPI sample forms to assist IEP teams with goal reviews
- Maintaining Screening and Progress Monitoring Practices in Virtual/Remote Settings
A resource from the National Center on Intensive Intervention which focuses on implementing screening and progress monitoring virtually. This page includes guiding questions for implementation, video examples, and a sample sign-up sheet for screening and progress monitoring students virtually. - Providing Virtual Intervention and Progress Monitoring
This 42 minute presentation was delivered by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey as part of the Colorado Multi-Tiered System of Support Virtual Summit 2020. In the presentation, Dr. Bailey focused on considerations for providing virtual intervention and progress monitoring and highlights resources developed by the National Center on Intensive Intervention.