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Welcome to a New Special Education Team Member

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Please join us in welcoming Michelle Silverman who began on June 17 as the new DPI Special Education Team Assistive Technology (AT), Occupational Therapy (OT), and Physical Therapy (PT) consultant. Michelle is an occupational therapist dedicated to supporting students in educational settings. Michelle completing a post-professional doctorate in OT this summer with an emphasis on novice school-based practitioner needs. Michelle’s past experience includes working in 0-3 and schools with kids 3-21 as well as in higher education teaching graduate and undergraduate students. At UW Milwaukee, Michelle directed the Assistive Technology and Accessible Design (ATAD) certificate program and managed a federal grant related to AT in schools. Michelle is excited to begin work with the DPI Special Education Team providing guidance to therapists, AT teams and special education teams, as well as developing innovative ways to facilitate students' access to their education. We are excited to have Michelle join our team!