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Final 2022-23 Common School Fund (Library Aid) Amounts

Friday, April 14, 2023

Aid for school libraries from the Common School Fund in the 2022-23 school year will be $45.38 per census student. The Board of Commissioners of Public Lands informed DPI that $52 million is available for payment.

Final amounts by district are available on the Common School Fund page under “Library Aid Paid (by School Year).” Payments to districts will be vouchered and will be made on Monday, April 24, 2023. Funds must either be used in the fiscal year received or allocated as restricted fund balance (WUFAR account 10 B 936130).

Information on Common School Fund purchasing guidelines is available from the Common School Fund. Specific questions can be directed to the School Library Consultant, Monica Treptow.

For questions about this information, contact Monica Treptow (608) 575-6065