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GASB Postpones Numerous Statements, Including 84 & 87

Friday, May 8, 2020


The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has issued Statement 95, which postpones the effective dates of a number of recently issued GASB Statements and Implementation Guides. GASB 84 (Fiduciary Funds) and its associated Implementation Guide (IG) 2019-2 are postponed to 2020-21. GASB 87 (Leases) and IG 2019-3 are postponed to 2021-22.

The GASB encourages and permits early implementation of these statements, including GASB 84, but statements cannot be partially implemented. Districts that have started but not completed GASB 84 implementation for 2019-20 will either need to complete their implementation or delay it to 2020-21 before financial statements can be completed.

Additional information on GASB Statement 95 is available on the GASB website.

For questions about this information, contact (608) 267-9114