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2018-19 ESSA School-Level Expenditure Data Release

Friday, May 29, 2020


As you are aware, DPI has been preparing over the past few years for the new ESSA requirement to report per-pupil expenditures by school, which is beginning with 2018-19 spending data. Our original plan was to have a formal data quality review period this spring, accompanied by training and technical assistance, followed by a public release in June. As with many other things, that plan has been disrupted by COVID-19.

DPI has consulted with the U.S. Department of Education and determined that the data quality review period and subsequent public availability of the 2018-19 data do not have to be completed by June 30, 2020. Therefore, we will proceed with the original plan on a delayed schedule, with public release of 2018-19 spending data to follow this fall. A specific timeline will be determined and announced by the School Financial Services (SFS) Team within the next few weeks.

Watch future School Finance Bulletins and our ESSA SLR page for more information and details on webinars and other training and technical assistance opportunities.

For questions about this information, contact (608) 267-9114