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Pupil Count & Budget Updates Needed!

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


In preparation for final revenue limits and the July 1 aid estimate, the SFS Team would appreciate districts submitting any final updates to their 2020-21 PI-1504 Budget and PI-1563 Pupil Count Reports by Friday, June 4. The reports will be closed the following Monday, June 7.

Pupil Count Updates

Districts will need to submit specific requests to open the PI-1563 Pupil Count Reports for September 2020 and/or January 2021. If you need to amend your pupil count, email with the following information:

  • Which count date to change;
  • What changes are to be made;
  • Why the changes are required; and
  • Your contact information.

Additionally, if your district was selected for a membership audit this year, copy your auditor and request they confirm the changes with a “reply all” email.

We will follow up to schedule a specific time when the reports will be opened for changes. When done, be sure to press the “submit” button so the changes are official.

Budget Report Updates

Data from 2020-21 school district PI-1504 Budget Reports is used to calculate the statutory July 1 estimate of general school aids. The accuracy of this estimate depends upon the accuracy of the data used. If your district has not done so already, please update your PI-1504 for this year to reflect the current state of your budget. The report does not need to be opened or unlocked for changes—simply update an amount (any account will work) and your PI-1504 will be unsubmitted.

For questions about this information, contact (608) 267-9114