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Second Friday January Pupil Count is January 12, 2024

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

As a reminder, the pupil count date is Friday, January 12, and the report is due two weeks later on Friday, January 26.

If your district is unable to hold school on January 12, a request for an alternative pupil count date may be submitted to the State Superintendent (sec. 121.05(3), Wis. Stats.). Send your request by email to Roger Kordus and please specify the DPI Alternate Count Date that you are requesting. In most circumstances, the date should be either the Thursday before or the Monday (or next attendance school day) after the Friday count date.

A district that fails to submit the report by the due date will automatically receive a membership audit. Detailed guidance on submitting the report is provided. Questions about the report should be submitted to Roger Kordus, Consultant, at 608-267-3752.

Please route the following information to the individual(s) who completes the PI-1563 January Pupil Count Report for your district.