The annual Tax Levy Report for 2023-24 levies has been completed in the Wisconsin School Finance Portal (WiSFiP). Opened on October 13 and due on November 3, 2023, guidance on completing this report is available on the SFS Team website.
The application generates the PI-1508 levy certification forms for municipal clerks and includes the portion of the levy attributed to non-recurring operating and debt referenda approved after December 31, 2014.
The SFS team would like to thank everyone in the field for their patience and feedback as we address issues within the Tax Levy Report and continue to transition reporting from our legacy systems to WISEdata Finance and WiSFiP. We are also planning to implement several changes prior to next year’s reporting to improve the process of completing this required reporting.
For the 2023-24 Tax Levy Report submission, please be aware of the following to ensure that the appropriate referenda data is populating for levy certification forms:
- Verify that all passed referenda are populating onto the Tax Levy Report by ensuring there are annual amounts associated with each referenda in the Referenda module. The Manage Referenda page can also be accessed through a link on the Levies by Referenda page in the Tax Levy Report. Please verify that an annual referenda amount for 2023-24 is associated with all applicable referenda.
- Check to make sure that the referenda expiration date is correct. This expiration date can be updated on the Levies by Referendum page.
- If you have currently active referenda that were passed prior to December 31, 2014, they should not be included in the referenda section of the tax levy certification forms. We are updating the application to automatically not include these referenda going forward. You can manually ensure these referenda are not included on the levy certification forms by setting the status of the referendum to ‘Ignore’ on the Levies by Referendum page of the report.
- The report populates contact information for the district administrator, school board clerk and municipal clerk. Refer to our SFS web page to update the contact information populated on the Tax Levy Report.
- Once any required changes are made, be sure to re-certify your Tax Levy Report and generate the levy certification forms on the Submission page of the report. We have posted the levy certification forms for all districts online.