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WUFAR Revision #34 Published

Thursday, October 24, 2019


The latest revision to the Wisconsin Uniform Financial Accounting Requirements (WUFAR) has been released. WUFAR Revision #34 is effective immediately for the 2019-20 fiscal year. Updated versions of the WUFAR manual and account matrices are available on the SFS Team WUFAR page along with a summary of the changes.

Revision #34 includes the GASB 84-related “pre-revision” changes released in August. In addition, it includes accounting related to the changes in public and private choice for students with disabilities, expansion of available pupil services accounts, and other clarifications.

Our thanks to the WUFAR users who have provided feedback on Revision #34. We have initiated a discussion with WASBO about instituting a more formal structure for consultation with the field on future WUFAR updates.

This is the final scheduled WUFAR revision under the current schedule and format. The next version, coming in the spring of 2020 and effective for accounting and reporting in the 2020-21 fiscal year, will signal our shift to Online WUFAR and WISEdata Finance as well as a new revision schedule. (If there is a change in law that would require a further 2019-20 WUFAR revision, it would be in the current format.) Upcoming School Finance Bulletins will provide more information on these topics.

For questions about this information, contact (608) 267-9114