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Update on ESSER II & III Hours of Instruction

Friday, June 11, 2021


Revised versions of the webpage, guidance and instruction document, and workbook for the ESSER II & III Hours of Instruction data collection (formerly the ESSER II In-Person Hours of Instruction collection) have been posted.  The revisions implement Joint Finance Motion #57 on allocating $114.6 million of additional ESSER III funds, based in large part on whether or not LEAs have provided at least 50 percent of instructional hours in-person, without DPI having to conduct a second, separate data collection. LEAs eligible for additional ESSER III funds that do not meet the 50 percent threshold can receive a portion of any additional ESSER III funds left over based on the in-person hours they provided. The ESSER II additional funds allocation remains unchanged.

The revisions are fully compatible with the previous, in-person-specific versions of these documents. The additional content pertains to virtual/remote hours and avoiding double-counting. If your LEA has already determined your in-person instructional hours then you do not need to redo that work. Only the LEAs eligible for additional ESSER III funds based on the 50 percent in-person threshold need to use the revised information for compiling and reporting their virtual/remote hours of instruction. Data from the in-person-specific workbook can be copied directly into the revised workbook.

More details on this data collection, including which LEAs would need to report virtual/remote hours for the ESSER III allocation, are available on the ESSER II & III Hours of Instruction page.

For questions about this information, contact (608) 267-9114