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Updated ESSA School Level Reporting Data Schedule

Monday, July 13, 2020


On May 29, we announced that the release and reporting of 2018-19 school level expenditure data under ESSA was being delayed due to the COVID-19 disruption. Since then, we have consulted with a number of stakeholders on a specific timeline for the fall. The consensus was that while there is no ideal time given all the uncertainty going on, the most acceptable option is an October-November window.

Based on DPI IT deployment dates, we have determined the following schedule for releasing the 2018-19 data:

  • Late September/early October: Present webinars and other technical assistance to the field.
  • Tuesday, October 13: Formal data quality review period begins. Districts and independent charter schools will be able to see their own data in WISEdash Secure for Districts.
  • Monday, November 16: Formal data quality review period ends.
  • Thursday, November 19: 2018-19 data are published to WISEdash Public and submitted to the U.S. Department of Education.

The 2019-20 data collected over the next couple of months will be released on a more usual timeline in the spring of 2021, after audits and reviews of PI-1505 and ESSA reports are completed.

For questions about this information, contact (608) 267-9114