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WUFAR Coding for Federal K-12 COVID Relief Funds

Friday, December 10, 2021

Updated 12/20/2022

The SFS Team has assigned the following WUFAR coding to be used for grant program funds under the federal CARES, CRRSA, and ARP Acts:

Program Source Project


Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief - CARES Act (ESSER I) 730 160
IMLS Subgrants for Libraries 730 161
Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) 730 162


Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief - CRRSA Act (ESSER II) 730 163


Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief - ARP Act (ESSER III)

  • ESSER III Supplemental Funds for In-person Instruction (added to formula grants)
  • ESSER III Out-of-School Time Grants
  • ESSER III Evidence-based Summer Enrichment
  • ESSER III Evidence-based Afterschool
  • Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) Reimbursement
  • Leadership in Literacy Grants to CESAs
  • Expand Evidence-based Improvement Strategies in Literacy (CESAs 8 & 9)
  • Reading Audit Grants – Center for Effective Reading Instruction Grants to CESAs
  • UW System Educator Preparatory Programs
730 165
IMLS Subgrants for Libraries 730 166
P-EBT Reimbursements 717 167
Homeless Children & Youth (Part I) 730 168
Homeless Children & Youth (Part II) 730 173
USDA Emergency Operating Costs Reimbursement 717 169
USDA Emergency Sponsor Home Inspection 717 170
P-EBT Administration Grants 717 171
IDEA Flow-Through (ARP Act additional funds) 730 344
IDEA Preschool (ARP Act additional funds) 730 346
For questions about this information, contact (608) 267-9114