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Index of WISEtraining Pages

All of the support pages listed here (and more) appear on the landing page for each topic, in the Resource Links section. Other may appear on the left-side menu. Landing pages are indicated by a number, and support pages are indicated by a lowercase letter:


  1. Private School (Choice and Non-Choice) Information:

    1. Choice Schools: Yearly Data Reporting Resources

    2. WISEid Quick Start Guide for Choice Schools

    3. WISEdash Extracts for Choice Schools

    4. Submitting PI-1207 Data Collection Online

    5. Private School Choice Programs

    6. Home-based private Education (homeschooling)

  2. Data Categories

    1. Career Education: Info, Help and FAQ

      1. Career Education Data Reporting Scenarios

      2. Career and Technical Education (CTE) Data Resources page

    2. Discipline: Info, Help and FAQ

    3. Language Instruction: Info, Help and FAQ

    4. Roster: Info, Help and FAQ

    5. Snapshot Preparation Guidance

    6. Special Ed Data Reporting: Info, Help and Scenarios

    7. World Language Programs

  3. Data Security:

    • Requesting Data from DPI

    1. Data Requests:Non-Confidential Data Request Form
    2. Confidential Data Request Form

    3. Data Destruction Certification Form

    4. DPI Data Use Agreement Modification Form

    • Data Security for School & Student Data for Families

    1. Assessment Data and Results for Parents (OEA)

    2. Confidentiality, Consent and Student Records (SSPW)

    3. Families and Students landing page

    4. Families and Students - Student and School Data

    5. FERPA

    6. GIS and Maps

    7. Student Data Privacy for Parents

    8. WISEdash Public Portal

    • Data Security for School and Student Data for LEAs

    1. Cyber Security

    2. Cyber Security Resources

    3. Data Security Resources

    4. Student Data Resources

    5. Student Data Privacy Main Menu

    6. Student Data Privacy Overview

    7. Student Data Privacy Training

    8. Student Data Safeguarding

    9. Student Data Privacy Resources

    • Data Security for WAMS and WISE Applications

    1. WAMS: Detailed Information

    2. Creating your WAMS Account

    3. WAMS ID FAQ page

    4. Updating WAMS When You Change Districts

    5. Acknowledgment of Data Submission

    6. Data at DPI

    7. Data Disclaimer

    8. WISEhome Agreement

    9. WISEhome Introduction

    10. WISEhome and WISEsecure Login Information

    11. WISEdash Help: About Data Redaction and Student Privacy

  4. Ed-Fi Credential and SIS Vendor Tools

    1. Ed-Fi Credential Application User Guide

    2. Immunization Registry Integration Help

    3. Info for Schools

    4. SIS Conversion Guidance

    5. Student Identity Integration

    6. Vendor Resources

  5. School Directory: Management and Public Portals

    1. School Directory Public Portal

      1. School Directory User Guide pages

    2. School Directory: Annual Required Updates 

    3. Definition of a School

    4. District Administrators

    5. New District Administrator

    6. School Modification Form

    7. Reassignment of School Codes

  6. WISEadmin Portal

    1. Data Errata - Data Changes After Publication

    2. eLearning: Introduction to the WISEadmin Portal

    3. Key Performance Indicators in WISEadmin Portal

    4. Local Data Assessment Sharing Agreement

    5. New District Administrator page

    6. WISEdata for Administrators WISE Guide

    7. WISEdash for Administrators WISE Guide

  7. WISEdash for Districts

    1. WISEdash for Districts - About the Data landing page

    2. WISEdash for Districts - Training and User Guide pages

    3. SAFE

  8. WISEdash Public Portal

    1. A to Z Topics
    2. About the Data Pages

    3. Buttons and Icons Index

    4. Certified Data

    5. Glossary for WISEdash

    6. Graphs with No Data

    7. More Data and Reports

    8. School Districts Support

    9. Statewide Data Files - Data Downloads

    10. Tips for Using WISEdash Data Files

    11. Terms of Use

    12. WISEdash Public Portal FAQ

    13. WISEdash Public Portal Help Pages and User Guides

  9. WISEdata Portal

    1. CESA - WISE Support Staff

    2. eLearning: Understanding Economically Disadvantaged Status Data Reporting

    3. Help for WISEdata, WISEid and WISEstaff

    4. Info for Schools

    5. Membership vs. Enrollment

    6. Reporting Uncommon WISEdata Situations

    7. WISEdata Annual Tasks Checklist

    8. WISEdata Conference

  10. WISEgrants

    1. Allowable Costs
    2. Capital Equipment and Non-Capital Equipment Purchased with Federal Funds

    3. Claiming or Returning Federal Funds

    4. Federal Funding Conference

    5. WISEgrants Help Ticket

    6. Uniform Grant Guidance

    7. WISEgrants (application portal)


    8. WISEgrants landing page

    9. WISEgrants Podcast

    10. Written Procedures

  11. WISEhome and WISEsecure

    1. Assign Access to a WISEhome Application

    2. Assign Access to Multiple Users at a Time (Mass Delegation)

    3. WISEhome Introduction

    4. WISEsecure Tasks for District Security Administrators

  12. WISEid

    1. Help for WISEdata, WISEid and WISEstaff

    2. Student Identity Integration

    3. WISEid Quick Start Guide for Choice Schools

    4. WISEid Quick Start Guide for Public Schools

  13. WISEstaff

    1. Archived School Staff: Salary, Position, Demographic Reports

    2. Help for WISEdata, WISEid and WISEstaff

    3. Public Staff Reports - portal

    4. WISEstaff Data Collection: Annual Reporting Information

    5. WISEstaff User Guide: Home Menu

    6. WISEstaff User Guide: Manage Staff Data Menu

    7. WISEstaff User Guide: Message Center Menu

    8. WISEstaff User Guide: Need Help? Menu

    9. WISEstaff User Guide: Person Search Menu

    10. WISEstaff User Guide: Reports Menu

    11. WISEstaff User Guide:Resources Menu